I absolutely love Brittany and Johnathan's story hopefully you will as well!
We met in Food's class in high school. He was a senior and I was a junior. As soon as we met it was obvious that we had crushes on each other. Everyone knew it, but nothing happened at first. We just kinda flirted and became good friends. I was actually dating one of his friends at the time, but I joked with our food's teacher about how I knew one day I was going to end up marrying him. Then when I was a senior we went on a few dates, but nothing serious happened. We stayed friends and kept in touch. During the summer after my first year of college, we ran into each other at a Weezer concert and ended up hanging out afterwards. We've been together ever since.
A week after he proposed, I got a friends request from our food's teacher on facebook and I was able to tell her that I'd been right all those years ago...I was going to marry him!
This first one is just one of the many super cool buildings we had to work with.

And this is the other side.

How cool is this spot?

I absolutely love these next few moments. The love and the silliness is too cute and how gorgeous is Brittany?!

These next shots were pretty much shot in the dark. The first one was so dark I had to use a light to focus and then turned it off to capture the cool color and the neat shadows on the wall.

The next ones were lit. I absolutely love them!

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