Erin was happy to share her story of how they got engaged.
Blake asked me to marry him on April 11th 2008. I flew up to N.C. one weekend on a Friday and on Saturday we went to a beach party his platoon was having before they deployed to Iraq. He decided that we should take a walk on the beach. Well still being April it was really windy and still kind of cold. We walked a good ways and we found little rocks to write in the sand with and wrote funny, cute messages to each other until i finally told him my ears were freezing and i was ready to go back. Blake got this look and said "no no no no! not yet!" i was like why?? lol.. So he bent down and the rock he was using and wrote "Erin will you marry me?" in the sand. Of course I said yes and the planning of the wedding started! He deployed to Iraq on April 21st 10 days later so the wedding planning was pretty much left up to me. But to this day I still have the rock he wrote with! So that's the story of Blake and I...
They got married at The Atrium in Norcross.

I love that her shoes had hearts on them... how fun is that?

The wedding was late in the evening and the formals were suppose to be outside and it was um dark... to say the least. The venue was awesome though in the way that they had what I call (and most photographers) twinkly lights aka Christmas lights. And they were fab!

And again YAY for twinkly lights!

I love this image that Steve got after the ceremony.

Some of my fav images of a first dance....

Cigars anyone?

The wedding season has officially started. With two this weekend and 29 more. Holy Moly it's going to be a great year!
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